
Model Question, Islam, Class-2

                                   SHAH ADDAS-ALHELAL NATIONAL SCHOOL

                                                     FIRST  TERMINAL EXAMINATION-2019

CLASS:  Two                                                                                                                      SUB: Religion

TIME:TWO HOURS                                                                                                   FULL MARKS:100

Name:                                                                                             Roll:

Answer the following questions:

1.Who is our Creator?

2.What is the meaning of Rob?

3. How many Arabic Letters are there in Arabic language ?

4. What is the name of our Prophet(S)?

5. What is the name of our religious book?

6. What is the name of the language of  Al-Quran?

7. Where do we go to say our prayer?

8. Where is the Holy Mecca?

9. How many sentences are there in Surah Fatiha?

10.Say Kalima Taiba.

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